Book Quotes from Cathy Gohlke’s Saving Amelie

“Joy is the gift of God, and you are His child.  He loves you so.  He rejoices over you with singing!” “Sometimes taking up our cross is doing the thing in front of us, not the glamorous, high-risk thing afar off.” “What worried him most was something Dietrich had mentioned observing during his visit to America—the way Americans treated Negroes.  …

Rivka’s Harosat for Passover

“My mother used to let me mix the nuts and cinnamon, the apples chopped with a little wine.” She swallowed. “We’re missing that tonight, too, but it represents the mortar used when my people labored so hard to make bricks in Egypt.” . . . Rivka sat back, breathed deeply, then lit the two candles, drawing their flame toward her …