D-Day 70th Anniversary Blog Tour–The Passion of Christ and the Third Reich

  WWII_Cathy Welcome to the D-Day 70th Anniversary Blog Tour! Ten authors of Christian World War II novels are commemorating the brave men who stormed the beaches of Normandy on June 6, 1944.

Thank you for joining us as we remember their heroism and sacrifice. Our novels illuminate different aspects of the war—from the Holocaust to the Pacific to the US Home Front. Each day, visit with a new author as we share about our stories, our research, and our unique settings. With each blog post, you’ll have the opportunity to win that author’s novel, plus a chance to win a packet of ALL TEN featured novels!

Special thanks to Sarah Sundin for envisioning and organizing this project, and to Kristy Cambron for creating the fabulous graphics!

Giveaway Details For a chance to win ALL TEN novels featured on our blog tour, please visit each blog, collect the answers to the questions, and enter the Rafflecopter giveaway on the BLOG TOUR PAGE . You have a new chance to enter each day of the tour! The contest opens June 2, 2014 at 1 am PST and closes June 13, 2014 at 11 pm PST. Winners will be announced on Monday, June 16, 2014. *Note* Several of the titles will not be released until later in the year—these copies will be mailed to the winners after the books release.

To win the prize of ALL TEN books, you must have collected ALL TEN answers. The winner must be prepared to send ALL TEN answers within 24 hrs of notification by email, or a new winner will be selected. You can enter the Rafflecopter Giveaway once each day! The more often you visit, the more entries you receive! However, you only need to enter the Rafflecopter Giveaway once to be entered. But don’t forget…to win, you must have collected ALL TEN answers. To gather the answers, you may download the Word document on the BLOG TOUR PAGE                  

Behind Saving Amelie–The Passion of Christ and the Third Reich images-7

Nestled in a quaint Bavarian Village in the pristine Ammer Valley, surrounded by towering snow-capped Alps, lies Oberammergau, home of the world’s longest running Passion Play. Based on a vow the Alpine Village made to the Lord if He would spare them from bubonic plague, the town has faithfully performed the Passion of Christ for the last 380 years.images-4

One rare exception came during WWII, due to rationing, poor relations with other countries, and most of all Hitler’s conscription of adult males:  The village’s “disciples” and most of their “Israelites”–as part of the German army, were busily rampaging Poland at Hitler’s command.

Today, the Passion Play cast is two thousand strong.  Nearly every family in the village takes part in the play either on stage or behind the scenes–and has done for generations.  Some roles have even been passed from generation to generation. images-6 My husband and I attended The Passion in 2010 and were captivated by the villagers’ commitment to and enthusiasm for the Passion and all it means.  Certainly, it is a tourist industry.  But, we could see that it is also much, much more and the residents take their vow seriously.  After experiencing Oberammergau’s portrayal of Christ’s sacrifice for the world, I wondered how they had responded to the cruelties of Adolf Hitler and the Third Reich, which represented anything but the love of Jesus Christ. MVC-024S_tn

I was astonished to learn that this lavish production had been endorsed by Hitler in 1934 when he attended a special 300th anniversary year production.  images-8 How was that possible when Hitler was so opposed to Christianity that he’d ordered the removal of crucifixes and pictures of Jesus from classrooms and churches–only to be replaced by pictures of himself?  What about the portrayal appealed to Hitler? 


About the same time, I learned that the scheme to create a master race by eliminating blood lines deemed “unworthy” and by promoting others was not confined to the Nazis. All my questions intersected, and I wondered how we can prevent stepping onto such slippery moral slopes today.   Bonhoeffer--spoke into the wheel

Dietrich Bonhoeffer, a WWII dissident German pastor and author of The Cost of Discipleship, gave me new insights into those questions.  Those insights and Bonhoeffer’s writings became key components of Saving Amelie.

From history, and a deep awareness that we all walk the conflicting line of doing what’s right versus what’s easiest or “best” for ourselves, Saving Amelie was born. Saving-Amelie-Book-Cover-250x374


Saving Amelie is the story of Rachel Kramer, daughter of an eminent Long Island Eugenics scientist, who must confront her own pride and sense of superiority to rescue a deaf child–daughter of an estranged friend and of an SS officer–from “elimination” at the hands of the Nazis.  Jason Young, a driven American journalist–and most unlikely ally–connects Rachel to the German resistance and to the work of controversial theologian, Dietrich BonhoefferTogether, they risk their lives–and ask others to do the same–for those they barely know but come to love. Saving Amelie is available in bookstores and on line.


  • To enter the drawing to win a copy of Saving Amelie, please leave a comment here and share this blog post on FB. The winner will be notified at the end of this blog tour.
  • For the Main Rafflecopter Giveaway Contest of all ten WWII novels, here is the Saving Amelie Question for Readers:  What is the name of the controversial German theologian who authored The Cost of Discipleship?
  • Be sure to write down your answer or log it in the Word document available on the Blog Tour Page.  Enter the main Rafflecopter giveaway today!  Be sure to visit each site for a chance to win ALL TEN featured novels!  Note: Links will go live on the post date.

Schedule for the D-Day 70th Anniversary Blog Tour:

June 2: SARAH SUNDIN, author of In Perfect Time

June 3: LIZ TOLSMA, author of Daisies Are Forever

June 4: MURRAY PURA, author of London Dawn

June 5: CARA PUTMAN, author of Shadowed by Grace

June 6: MELANIE DOBSON , author of Chateau of Secrets

June 7: KRISTY CAMBRON, author of The Butterfly and the Violin

June 9: TRICIA GOYER, author of Chasing Mona Lisa

June 10: PATTY SMITH HALL, author of Hearts Rekindled

June 11: CATHY GOHLKE, author of Saving Amelie

June 12: SIGMUND BROUWER, author of Thief of Glory

Comments 130

  1. Pingback: D-Day 70th Anniversary Blog Tour - Cathy Gohlke

  2. My grandparents saw this Passion play years ago. It was one of their treasured memories. Sounds like it would be an amazing trip to take someday! Thank you for sharing. The book sounds wonderful. I look forward to reading it!

    1. I hope you make it to Oberammergau and the Passion Play one day, Lisa–you’d love it! Such a unique place and unique experience . . . It’s especially nice to think about your grandparents having seen the Passion Play. I hope you enjoy “Saving Amelie!”

  3. I just heard Charles Marsh speak at a local bookstore about his new biography on Bonhoeffer, “Strange Glory.” Looking forward to reading this fictional account of that era as well.

  4. Even Ahab, the wickedest king of Israel, humbled himself before God at least once. Perhaps in front of the Passion Play, not even Hitler could deny God’s truth?

    Your book sounds fascinating!

    1. I wondered the very same thing, Rachel K. Sad to say, the message Hitler took away was to promote and endorse the anti-Semitism in the play. The script has undergone a great deal of revision since then. The history of the play itself is fascinating.

      I hope you enjoy Saving Amelie!

  5. The Passion Play sounds intriguing! I am definitely going to have to do some more research on that play. I have been to plays kind of like that. One of my favorites was “This Man Called Jesus” in Columbia, SC near Christmastime. It is an amazing play, with sounds, light, and real animals. The stage stretches from one end to another and connected by a long thin stage.
    My Dad cried at the crucifixion scene. It was so real. And the Roman soldiers and Jesus carrying the cross where walking literally right in front of us.
    It really brings the Passion story to home.

    1. I so agree, Amber . . . seeing the Passion played out on stage made me think of it in ways I had not before. It certainly brings it home. We walked away sobered but with the joy set before us. God bless!

  6. I’m so excited about reading this book. I read Promise Me This and I fell in love with your writing. From the development of your characters to the visualizing of the places and times in which they lived, I was captivated. It was everything I love about historical fiction. I can’t wait to read Saving Amelie!

  7. I am enjoying this blog tour so much! Even if I do not win anything, I have been introduced to some delightful authors. I am looking forward to Saving Amelie; it sounds fantastic!

  8. I loved reading your blog! Saving Amelie sounds like a wonderful (and fascinating) read! Hope I get a chance to read it soon!

  9. What a fascinating post, Cathy! I’ve always longed to see the Passion Play, but I’ve never heard about its role in WWII! And I can’t WAIT to read Saving Amelie. It sounds fantastic!

  10. This is a phenomenal novel! I was swept away in the story and learned so much about eugenics as well as the strength of Germans who risked their life to secretly help their neighbors.

    1. Thank you, Sharon. I hope you enjoy “Saving Amelie.” I’m delighted with the discussions of the book’s topics generated among readers and bloggers. That makes the intensive research surely worthwhile. God’s blessings for you!

  11. I’m a big Bonhoeffer fan, and I have always been interested in seeing the Passion Play. This book sounds so interesting! 🙂

  12. I have seen a couple of Passion Plays, both in FL, one at Word of Life and one at?? can’t remember the name, in the middle of the state? sigh . . . I am starting Eric Metaxas book on Bonhoeffer . . . heard him speak on Janet Parshall’s show and really sounded great. I love this storyline! I can’t wait to get the book! I am hearing impaired and so is my daughter due to hereditary factors and well what a time it must have been . . . with the war then these precious kids. Thanks for this opportunity! Blessings.

    1. I LOVED Eric Metaxas’ book on Bonhoeffer, Chris, and am sure you will, too. Bonhoeffer was such an interesting and committed person. He saw events so clearly–I think because he viewed them through the lens of the Holy Spirit, and that kept life and the world in focus of eternity, eliminating everything superfluous in life.

      Your and your daughter’s hearing impairment brings much more to the reading of “Saving Amelie” than most will experience. It’s unthinkable the things Hitler ordered. Thankfully, we know the truth–that every life is worthy in Christ and precious. God sees reality and eternity in far different terms than humans with distorted vision. I hope you enjoy “Saving Amelie!” God’s blessings for you!

    1. I’m so glad, Danielle! I hope you enjoy “Saving Amelie.” I know you will be forever changed by “The Cost of Discipleship.” I don’t think any of us could read it and not be. Bonhoeffer gave me so much to think about. It’s not a quick or easy read, but it really stirs the heart and brain cells! God’s blessings for you!

  13. This is a very unusual post. I like that you gave the information about the passion play and interesting that Hitler liked it. It goes to show that Our God is so in charge and He didn’t even give up on Hitler. I look forward to your book.

  14. I have been looking forward to “Saving Annie” coming out since I reviewed Band of Sisters, and got to email you Mrs. Gohlke, about some of the background to that story!
    I love your writing and one day, I would like to be able to write the way you do, for the glory of God!
    Thank you so much!!!

    1. You’re so kind and generous, Becca. I’m delighted you enjoyed “Band of Sisters.” It was a book close to my heart. I hope you enjoy “Saving Amelie.”

      Better than one day writing like me, write like Becca to the glory of God! That will thrill your heart and soul and be all in all to the King of Kings. God bless you!

  15. thank you so much for sharing this insightful post – I was unaware of the background for the play, though aware of the performances.
    Interestingly, I had friends from Scotland and NZ attend the play the same year as you !

    posting to FB – ty for the offer!

    1. Thank you for stopping and for posting to FB, Sharon! That is interesting that your friends from Scotland and NZ attended The Passion Play in 2010. I was just in Scotland last month–beautiful, beautiful country!

      Yes, the history of the play is fascinating to me, too. I hope you enjoy “Saving Amelie.”

      God’s blessings for you!

  16. Loved reading your blog – and my interest REALLY perked up when I saw the words Long Island in the description of the book and where “heroine” is from. I, too, was raised on Long Island (Oyster Bay). Your book sounds great and I now HAVE to get it to read – the LI connection, if not for any other reason. Great luck with the book!

  17. Bonhoeffer is one of my favorite theologians and one of my heroes. Your books sounds fantastic and I look forward to reading it.

    1. I’m so glad you’re already well acquainted with Dietrich Bonhoeffer and his writings, Gabrielle. His work has surely changed my life and the way I look at things, so I ‘m thrilled when others know him, too!

      I hope you enjoy “Saving Amelie.” God’s blessings for you!

  18. I had never heard of this centuries lomg tradition before. I think it is amazing and at the same time incredibly sad to think of Hitler watching this play. How God must weep for his children. I would love to read more about Bonhoeffer as well. Thanks for the giveaway!

    1. I agree, Amanda. I, too, think how God must weep for his children.

      You will love discovering more about Bonhoeffer. I hope you enjoy “Saving Amelie,” but there are many good books available about Bonhoeffer and his writings and life. His writings have surely blessed me.

      God’s blessings for you!

  19. I heard of the Passion Play many years ago – it is a dream of mine to go see it. So glad you had the opportunity! Thanks for the giveaway – we must continue to pray that we do not slide down the slippery moral slope.

    1. I hope you can see the Passion Play one day, Betti! It’s an unforgettable experience.

      Yes, I agree–we must watch and pray that we place and keep our footing on firm and faith-filled ground.

      God’s blessings for you!

  20. A fascinating story of Oberammergau and the history behind their passion play–thanks for sharing it with us! Your novel sounds like a wonderful read and I’m looking forward to getting my own copy. Thanks for the bonus giveaway and for participating in the blog tour.

    1. I’m so glad you enjoyed the history and background story, Lynda. I hope you enjoy reading “Saving Amelie.” Thank you for stopping by!

      God’s blessings for you!

  21. Looking forward to reading your book. It was lovely to share Liz’s Scotland trip with you. Blessings!

    1. Wonderful to see you here, Barbara! I LOVED our trip to Scotland, too–beautiful country and wonderful fellowship–or is that sistership?! : )

      I hope you enjoy “Saving Amelie.”

      God’s rich blessings for you!

  22. Saving Amelie sounds like a powerful story. Thank you for writing well-researched books that are not only interesting to read but thought provoking as well. I’m looking forward to reading this book.

    1. Thank you for your encouraging words, Pam. I’m delighted when my books provoke thought and generate discussion. There was so much in the subject matter of “Saving Amelie” that stirred my heart and brain. I hope you enjoy the read!

      God’s blessings for you!

  23. So excited for all the awesome books the blog hop has lead me to, my summer reading list has been provided for me. Can’t wait.

    1. I’m so glad, Vickie! It’s wonderful to have good books to look forward to reading–I agree! Hope you enjoy “Saving Amelie!” God’s blessings!

  24. Cathy, I really enjoyed your post. Learned a lot about the WW ll that I didn’t know. Never knew about this German Pastor.
    This was great to learn. I would love to win your book Saving Amelie. The cover and inside picture is wonderful. Thanks for a chance to be a winner. Maxie

    1. Thanks so much for stopping by, Maxie. I love to learn new things through the books I read, too. Pastor Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s writing and life made a deep impression on my heart and mind. I hope you enjoy “Saving Amelie!” God’s blessings for you!

  25. This looks like a great book dealing with a difficult subject. Thank you for posting and for a chance to win a copy.

    1. Thank you so much for stopping by, Susan. I hope you enjoy “Saving Amelie!” God’s blessings for you!

    1. Writing the blog was my pleasure, George. Thank you for stopping by. I hope you enjoy “Saving Amelie.” God’s blessings for you!

  26. Pingback: 70th Anniversary of D-Day – blog tour & GIVEAWAY! |

  27. I can’t wait to pick-up a copy of your book. I would also love to put a copy in my church library. Thanks Cathy, Blessing to you!

    1. Thank you so much for your encouraging message, Renee! I’m delighted that you want to share “Saving Amelie” with your church, and hope you enjoy every page! God’s blessings for you!

  28. I’ve been hearing great things about this book! The background story always makes it even more interesting… thank you!! I shared it on facebook as well. 🙂

    1. I’m so glad the word is positive, Cyndi! Thank you so much for sharing on FB. I hope you enjoy “Saving Amelie!” God’s blessings for you!

  29. Love this tour and learning about events that I was unaware of. Also, like getting to know these authors and reading about the inspirations for their books. Looking forward to reading all of the books!

    1. I love reading the stories behind the books, too, Carla. It gives me a personal connection before I even begin reading. I hope you enjoy “Saving Amelie!” God’s blessings for you!

  30. Hi Cathy! I’ve so been looking forward to reading Saving Amelie since I first read about it what seems a year ago now! Thanks for the chance to win a copy!

    Kristen Anissa

    1. Thank you for your enthusiasm, Kristen! I hope you enjoy “Saving Amelie,” and thank you for stopping by. God’s blessings for you!

  31. Pingback: D-Day 70th Anniversary Blog Tour - Sarah Sundin

  32. what an awesome tour! Learned so much about WW2 that has never been told before! Thanks to all of you for the wonderful stories and the opportunity to win all the books. I would be delighted to be among the winners. Saving Amelie is definitely on my “to read” list!

    1. I’ve been enjoying the tour, too, Ruth! I love hearing the stories and inspiration behind books. Understanding the heart of the author makes it even more interesting to me. Thank you for stopping by. I hope you enjoy “Saving Amelie!” God’s blessings for you!

  33. Hello, I would love to be entered, because I really, really would love to read this book. It is on my ‘to read’ list and I am eager to dig in to it!
    But I don’t have a facebook account. 🙁

    1. Hello, Raechel. So glad you stopped by and that you’re eager to read “Saving Amelie!” I understand about not having a Facebook account. I’ll enter you in the contest for my own book from my end. God’s blessings for you!

    1. Thank you, Becky, for stopping by and for sharing on FB. I love the cover, too. Tyndale and the models did such a wonderful job creating the cover. I’m so appreciative! I hope you enjoy “Saving Amelie!”

    1. Thank you so much, Carol. I’m delighted you enjoyed my previous books and hope you’ll enjoy “Saving Amelie!” God’s blessings for you!!

  34. Hi Cathy –

    I tweeted and shared this post on Pinterest.

    Saving Amelie gives a realistic look at Germany during the darkest days of her history. I’m about halfway through the book and can’t help but see how close we are to a similar disaster.

    Thank you for writing another powerful book.


  35. So good to see you here, Susan! Yes, I knew “Saving Amelie” would resonate with you. I’m thankful to say that many readers see parallels to today. God’s blessings for you and your writing!

  36. Interesting connection between COST OF DISCIPLESHIP and SAVING AMELIA. Love to win your book.
    The word document doesn’t work for me so I’ll save the answers elsewhere. Hope to win!

  37. Thanks so much for stopping by, Sharon! I was fascinated by Bonhoeffer’s writings and insights. I don’t think it’s possible to read his work and remain the same–so, that was true for the characters in the story, too.

    I hope you enjoy “Saving Amelie.” God’s blessings!

  38. This is such a powerful topic for your book. I’m looking forward to reading it and seeing how the characters grow and change in such a challenging situation.

  39. I must read your book! I was stationed in Germany with the US Army during the 80’s, but didn’t get to see the Passion Play. We studied Bonhoeffer in Philosophy class at Grand Rapids Baptist College (now Cornerstone University). I have two connections to your characters!

  40. Oh Jennifer Hiibdon–that’s fascinating! You DO have strong connections to the characters of Saving Amelie! How wonderful that you already know Bonhoeffer and his writings. He and they made a deep impression on my heart and mind. God’s blessings for you!

  41. Thank you all so much for joining me on this blog and for your comments! I’m pleased to announce that Barbara Sefranek has won the signed copy of “Saving Amelie.” Congratulations, Barbara!

    Sarah Sundin will notify the 70th Anniversary D-Day blog tour winner tomorrow.

    I hope you’ll all stay in touch, and let me know what you think of “Saving Amelie.” God blessings for you!

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