Band of Sisters–Solutions?

Band of Sisters was born of a desire to end modern-day slavery and most of all to ask: What can I do to help in a need so desperate?

Despite all my research, I couldn’t answer that question.  Inspiration finally came by confronting the question Charles Sheldon posed in his popular novel nearly a century ago, In His Steps —“What would Jesus do?”

So, I asked:  What would Jesus do about human trafficking?  What did He do while here on earth that would help me understand how to respond to this desperate need today?

If we all truly do what Jesus did—slavery will end.  By better understanding, through the Gospels, both what He did and did not do, we can form a plan of action:

*Jesus never exploited men or women—He uplifted them and showed them a path of hope, a new way of thinking and living.

*He never used children, or child labor for ease or gain—He blessed little ones, encouraged them to come to Him, demonstrating their great worth, their intrinsic value.

*He never bought or sold babies to fulfill the bride “needs” of a one-child culture.  He spoke to and encouraged women in a society that considered such respect radical.

*He never bought or sold human organs, or fetuses, or body parts.

*He never lied to immigrants

*He never enslaved them

*He never threatened their families or loved ones or lives if they did not comply with His demands

*He never coerced or forced them

*He never shamed or punished a single person into submission to His will.

***But in every way Jesus set a moral compass, employed Divine compassion to the broken-hearted and broken bodied, and held to account those who victimized others.

Next week we’ll explore practical action—the possibilities open to us in combating human trafficking by following in His steps.

Autumn begins tomorrow.  Already the mornings are cooler, the air clear and crisp.  Let’s stroll by the Laurel Run, a steaming cup of Lady Grey in hand, and talk.  Will you join me?

I look forward to seeing you here, in the garden, next week.

God’s rich blessings for you,

Comments 2

  1. Well Cathy!
    I liked your first book. The second, even better, then came the third, and I couldn’t wait for “Band of Sisters”. It seems you only get better and better. “Band of Sisters” was an excellent read, and only took me three days. The problem? I would start to do something else, and then would bargain with myself that I would only read 20 more pages, and read 50 and not get my work done! Work has waited, and I finished the book. The second problem? I read the whole thing, and it left me wanting more! It got so exciting! Loved it. What’s up next?

  2. I’m so glad you were intrigued with “Band of Sisters!” Sorry it broke into your work schedule, Susies, but that’s a good sign . . . : )

    I’m working on a novel set in 1939 Germany now. Here’s a sneak peek:

    It is 1939 in the Alpine village of Oberammergau, Germany–scene of the world’s longest running Passion Play.
    Hitler has just invaded Poland, and unleashed his euthanasia program across Germany, determined to rid the Reich and ultimately the world of “life unworthy of life.”
    Rachel Kramer, adopted daughter of a Long Island scientist with strong connections to Germany, discovers that she was separated from her twin sister at birth as part of a nature vs. nurture experiment. Rachel and the man who loves her risk everything to find her sister and save a deaf child targeted by the SS. But they are not alone–the villagers of the Passion Play embrace the message of their script—one way or another . . .
    Characters confront questions: “Is every life worthy?” and “What is my responsibility toward others?”
    Dietrich Bonhoeffer, and writings that led to his book, “The Cost of Discipleship,” illuminate those answers.

    This book is under contract with Tyndale Publishers and will probably release Fall 2013. I’m loving it!

    Hoping you and yours are well!

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