Beyond the Chocolate: Celebrating Valentine’s Day with Books & Creativity

Welcome to February, month of hearts and flowers, of chocolate and valentines! To enter, link to the blog below (containing the rafflecopter form) and complete the entry form, giving your email address. By entering you are giving your permission to join all six authors’ newsletter lists. We hope you’ll enjoy them, but you may opt out at any time. The …

Fall Delights: Ladies of the Lake Sale, MyNoWriMo Success, & More!

Welcome to October, month of cool, crisp evenings and frosty morns! I echo the words of Anne from Anne of Green Gables: “I’m so glad we live in a world where there are Octobers!” Tyndale is offering an E-Book October Special: Ladies of the Lake  is on Sale for $3.99—a great price for the entire month! ABOUT THE BOOK: The beloved author of Saving …

FREE Virtual Event, Ebook Sale and Book Recommendation

Welcome to October—and all things autumn! I’m looking forward to joining Author Susan Meissner for our virtual Author-to Author interview on behalf of Save Ellis Island’s Virtual Author Series as we discuss Ladies of the Lake. We’d love to have you join us Thursday, October 26 for this free event! Here’s the invitation from Save Ellis Island: There’s time to Register for Save …

Celia’s Birthday Applesauce Cake

“We heard over the radio that the train was delayed for ice on the tracks.  We celebrated Celia’s birthday quietly, cutting the applesauce cake Gladys had baked that morning—a recipe Celia loved and one that had been passed down to their family for generations.  But Celia barely ate.” — Cathy Gohlke from Night Bird Calling Celia’s Birthday Applesauce Cake Ingredients …

Night Bird Calling

If I could go anywhere during the month of November, I’d run to the foothills and mountains of North Carolina.  There’s nothing like the Blue Ridge these crisp autumn days!  That’s where Night Bird Calling, my ninth novel, unfolds. For me, writing Night Bird Calling was both a “coming home” to those welcoming foothills and an emotional journey into difficult …

The Courage of Surrender

Parents targeted by Nazis during WWII were forced to make heart-wrenching decisions in order to protect their children.  Should I keep my child with me?  Should I send them to someone else—someone I know, or more frightening still, someone I don’t know in the hope that they will be saved?  So often I’ve asked, what would I do?  How will …


“Forgiveness is an act of the will, and the will can function regardless of the temperature of the heart.”—Corrie ten Boom, a Dutch watchmaker, along with other members of her family, saved many Jewish people from the Nazis by hiding them in their home.  Corrie told her story, with John and Elizabeth Sherrill, in The Hiding Place. Corrie’s life, so …