Chuck Colson

Chuck Colson, founder of Prison Fellowship, was ushered home this week. Knowing that a man so practical, so no-nonsense and down to earth, aware of the deep needs of others and of society at large has gone before, the veil between this world and eternity seems more thinly drawn.  We’ve a glimpse over Jordan of a man walking on (maybe …


“Confronted with the persecution and murder of Europe’s Jews, witnesses had a choice of whether or not to intervene.” –from The U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum’s article, “CHOOSING TO ACT:  STORIES OF RESCUE.” Conflicting testimonies abound regarding how much everyday citizens who lived during the years of the Holocaust knew—here, in Germany, Poland, France, England, and more. Some have claimed, “We …

A Novel Disaster

The story’s resemblance to the Titanic tragedy was uncanny.  Some called it “prophetic.” Fourteen years before the “ship of dreams” foundered, Morgan Robertson published a novella, Futility or The Wreck of the Titan (1898).  The thrilling fictional story, with its palatial and virtually “unsinkable ship” of a similar sounding name, its shortage of lifeboats, its fateful April collision with a …

Holy Week in Southampton 1912

When the services of Holy Week were held 100 years ago in Southampton, England, port of launch for Titanic’s maiden voyage, sea-going men and women had no idea that it would likely be their last Holy Week—let alone their last full week—with their families. Saturday, between Good Friday and Easter Sunday, was the designated day for crew to sign aboard …