Celia’s Birthday Applesauce Cake

“We heard over the radio that the train was delayed for ice on the tracks.  We celebrated Celia’s birthday quietly, cutting the applesauce cake Gladys had baked that morning—a recipe Celia loved and one that had been passed down to their family for generations.  But Celia barely ate.” — Cathy Gohlke from Night Bird Calling Celia’s Birthday Applesauce Cake Ingredients …

Night Bird Calling

If I could go anywhere during the month of November, I’d run to the foothills and mountains of North Carolina.  There’s nothing like the Blue Ridge these crisp autumn days!  That’s where Night Bird Calling, my ninth novel, unfolds. For me, writing Night Bird Calling was both a “coming home” to those welcoming foothills and an emotional journey into difficult …

Book Quotes from Cathy Gohlke’s Saving Amelie

“Joy is the gift of God, and you are His child.  He loves you so.  He rejoices over you with singing!” “Sometimes taking up our cross is doing the thing in front of us, not the glamorous, high-risk thing afar off.” “What worried him most was something Dietrich had mentioned observing during his visit to America—the way Americans treated Negroes.  …

The Courage of Surrender

Parents targeted by Nazis during WWII were forced to make heart-wrenching decisions in order to protect their children.  Should I keep my child with me?  Should I send them to someone else—someone I know, or more frightening still, someone I don’t know in the hope that they will be saved?  So often I’ve asked, what would I do?  How will …