Breathing New Life

Last October a child was born and my world forever changed.

My Granddaughter, Photography by Kristen Thomas Photography

My Granddaughter, Photography by Kristen Thomas Photography


My daughter’s pregnancy was difficult.  There were moments we wondered about the outcome—the health and safety of my daughter, the health and safety of the baby she carried.  We prayed for safe delivery and prepared ourselves as best we could for every potential outcome.

I knew, from their natures and the evidence of their love for children in ministry and work, that my daughter and son-in-law would be wonderful parents, that they’d unconditionally love any child brought into their lives, whatever the challenges. I remember thinking that if every child entered this world so deeply loved, so wildly anticipated by parents and grandparents that the world would be a very different place.

It was Providence that I was working on Saving Amelie at the time—a book that has a great deal to do with saving and appreciating children and even adults the world deems flawed, and the extraordinary value of every human life. Saving-Amelie-Book-Cover-200x300

During the writing of this book my husband and I cared for his mother until her passing, then helped our daughter and son-in-law through the uncertain months of pregnancy—the full spectrum of life caught in a snow globe.

As the months passed, we lived very close to the Lord, dependent on His Sovereignty, praying for grace to accept His will and Providence in all things. And then the day of delivery came—long and hard for my daughter and her husband . . . pins and needles for my husband and me.

First grandchild, daughter of our daughter, pink and dimpled and perfect in every way—though perfection has so little to do with “ideal” genes.

Granddaughter at Four Months

Granddaughter at Four Months

Our granddaughter is now five months old—beautiful, bouncing and healthy.  Her mommy has returned to ministry and I’m the new babysitter—part time nanny, full-time grandma. Grandpa pinch-hits during telephone meetings and writing deadline crunches—or will as soon as I remind him how to change a diaper and test a bottle and burp a baby.

I can’t remember when life was so happy or so full, when every day breathed adventure.

I look forward to sharing more of this new journey with you in the months ahead.

God’s blessings today,

Comments 4

  1. Beautiful blog, Cathy. Any human being that takes their first breath of life is a miracle and blessing. To deem one more worthy of life than another is devastating to humanity and an affront to our Maker. Saving Amelie is a tribute to those that battle against that lie–yesterday and today.

    1. Amen and Amen, Terri!! Every life is truly a miracle, and you’ve truly captured the essence of the matter. God’s blessings for you!

  2. Your granddaughter is beautiful, Cathy! Such a little sweetheart. Glad to hear all is well and you are so blessed.

    Looking forward to Saving Amelie. 🙂 Can’t wait to read it.

    Have a wonderful rest of the week,

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